Monday 28 January 2013


Slimming clubs aren't for me, there i said it.  Not always a popular statement, particularly among those who enjoy them and that they work for.  So lets make this clear, good for you if they work for you.  I find that I have a lot going on in my life as it is, and with family life, and all the other things I do I do not have time to go to classes every week.  I think part of me resents someone telling me what i should eat, I know what I should eat but I don't, also i find diet alone does not work for me.  Also diet alone is not enough, if you dont exercise when that excess flab falls off you are left with a lot of work to do to get toned.... for me I need to diet and exercise.  And you would be amazed at just how much difference and the inches that you can lose with exercise alone.

So for me, slimming clubs are money making schemes, here are the negatives:
  • Cost - the weekly fees you pay
  • What to eat - most plans expect you to eat salad, salad and fruit - IBS and fruit are not a great match for me and I dont eat salad - yes i know its not all about salad, but as a really picky eater diet plans are not always friendly to me or my illness
  • Social element - I want to lose the weight for me, i do not want to rely on other people to lose it, it will feel more of an achievement if i do it for myself
  • You get one life its too short to waste on not being able to eat what you like, not go out for that celebration meal, or be able to eat at a party..... its all about knowing how much of something you shouldnt eat, and showing restraint, you can have that cake just dont eat the whole box!
  • Good food is there on the shelves, dont shop hungry, and make sensible decisions
  • A LOT of  people lose the weight, leave the group and then put the weight back on - so for some its a life long commitment which is that really convenient forever, 'cant go the concert tonight i have a slimming class' 'sorry cant come to your leaving party tonight i have a slimming class and i couldnt eat the food anyway'

The positives, oh yes even me who thinks they are a rip off can see the benefit
  • Some plans now teach you how to eat and give alternatives so you dont need to cut out everything you like 
  • Being part of a team all striving for the same goal is motivating and can help you see the prize of working so hard
  • You get books that will help you make better eating decisions and become more disciplined (not impossible without those books though)
  • Your being part of a slimming class and sharing your success can motivate others to take action

I think that we are all entitled to our opinions about EVERYTHING, we are all individual and all feel differently, so please dont judge me and dont think I am dissing you because you are a slimming club fan, I am most definitely not.  I just think that if you want something, its so much more rewarding to do it yourself.  I have weight to lose myself, I am currently in a situation where that is not working for me right now due to ill health but it will because I know that I can do it, but i want to do it my way.

Follow my journey here on this page with weekly updates and posts.

And remember make healthy choices, we drink skimmed milk, eat low fat mince and bacon and enjoy jacket potatoes and beans, but it doesnt stop us having that biscuit if we want it.  You get one life LIVE IT because you never know when it might be over.

Live, Love, Laugh

And remember, the name of this blog is UNAPOLOGETIC, Im going to be honest with you always, you might not agree but its always good to hear every side of the story xx